When to Seek Separation Counselling?

At this time of year it’s very common for relationships to end. Holidays mean more time spent with family and the New Year can result in re-evaluations of our lives. Whatever the reason, if you are going through a separation, counselling may be able to help. Relationships may end due to a huge range of reasons, or a mixture of a few. Sometimes it may not be possible, or you may not want to, continue with a relationship. However often separations come with ongoing grief, anger and bitterness. This is especially toxic if children are involved. So when should you seek separation counselling?

020Children are Involved
Having children involved in a relationship separation makes everything more complicated. To minimise the emotional trauma for children it is best if the couple can maintain a civil relationship. Separation counselling services in Sydney will focus on you as a couple, but you can also choose to have counselling for your children. This will allow the whole family to move into a new stage more easily.

Abusive Relationship
If you have been in an abusive relationship and are trying to end it, or have ended it, counselling can be extremely helpful. An abusive relationship leaves many scars but counselling can help with closure and breaking destructive cycles. You can also receive support to stay away from abusive partners and to regain self confidence.

Great Anger or Bitterness
Often a separation can leave one or both parties with great anger or bitterness. In this case Brisbane counselling services may be able to help you move past this stage and accept the split. Your counsellor will also help you deal with your emotions healthily, rather than releasing them in dangerous ways.

Put simply, if you feel you may need counselling, then you should seek it. Outside support through your separation can help you minimize the emotional trauma that can accompany a split from a partner.

When Should You Seek Relationship Counselling?

Relationships are a big part of most people’s lives. Our self-confidence can be hugely impacted by the positivity of our relationships, especially romantic ones. Positive relationships serve as a source of support, reliability and happiness. However sometimes relationships or marriages can begin to sour, or experience downs. In these cases it might be a good idea to seek counselling. So when should you seek relationship counselling?

019Failing Marriage
Seeking marriage counselling in Brisbane is a good idea if you feel your marriage is beginning to fail. Difficulties in a marriage can be very painful, especially if kids are involved. While marriage counselling may not always be able to rectify the issues you and your partner face, you may be able to find harmony. Many couples also avoid separation and begin to enjoy a happier, healthier relationship. In the case that a split is inevitable, seeking counselling may help with an easier and healthier split. This is especially important in cases where the marriage produced children and partners will remain in one another’s lives. Marriage counselling is not about telling you what to do, it is about facilitating discussion about you as individuals and your partnership.

Before Big Relationship Changes or Decisions
Some people choose to seek counselling before they make a big change or decision. This may be to get married, move in together, or another big event. Counselling can help ensure both parties are on board with the decision and that you will move forward together.

Increasing or Constant Fighting
Brisbane relationship counselling may be a good idea if you feel you have begun to fight more with your partner, or you are constantly arguing. These may be typical ‘yelling’ arguments, or an ongoing sense of dissatisfaction. It is a good idea to seek counselling as soon as possible, as these issues tend to escalate.

There are many other reasons why you may choose to seek relationship or marriage counselling. If you feel unhappy or dissatisfied in your relationship seeking outside help could help you save it, or leave it, if that is what you need. Life supports counselling have a large network of accredited counsellors who can help you and your partner move forward, in whichever way is best for both of you.

Overcoming the Barriers to Seeking Counselling

Seeking counselling for a problem you are facing should be no different than going to see a doctor, yet some Australians hesitate before asking for professional help with mental or emotional concerns. The reasons for this are varied and personal, however a few key barriers are identified and overcome below. Most important is to remember that seeking professional counselling is a way to overcome something, and is not an indicator that you are weak or incapable.

Fear Of Social Stigma
Social StigmaA key reason that Australians may not seek counselling is a fear that their friends and family may judge them for it. However it is possible to find counselling services through searching online and it is not necessary that anyone find out. Counselling is confidential, so you are safer in sharing your concerns with a counsellor than with someone with an active role in your life. Secondly, the social stigma around counselling is fading and in many cases simply imagined by the potential client. Millions of Australians seek help every year.

Ignoring Mental Health Concerns
Sometimes people choose to ignore mental health concerns, hoping that they will simply resolve themselves. Unfortunately, conditions such as anxiety, anger control and depression rarely self resolve. The good thing is that these conditions are generally temporary, and can be overcome through counselling. Canberra counselling services can work on whatever you’d like- a particular crisis, ongoing mental health concern or relationship.

Another reason Australians may fail to seek counselling is the belief that it is too expensive. However, there are a vast range of counsellors available with varying prices and affordable sessions. Secondly, you may be eligible to receive Medicare support if you see your doctor before obtaining a counsellor. The Better Access to Mental health initiative allows for 10 visits with rebates per year under certain circumstances. Speak to your doctor about obtaining counselling services in Adelaide and your potential remuneration.

Obtaining counselling can be affordable, confidential and life changing. Don’t hesitate to seek counselling for yourself, your relationships or a child if you feel it may help.

Counselling For Children And Adolescents

Childhood and adolescence are shaping and growth periods that have a huge influence on the trajectory of a person’s life. However, childhood and adolescence can come with great challenges at school, home and in the world.

There are many different reasons a parent or caretaker may seek counselling for their child or adolescent. Difficulties at school or changing family relations can all be catalysts for seeking outside help. In fact, 14% of children and adolescents living in Australia struggle with mental health or behavioural problems, a statistic that doesn’t include the many children who struggle with family changes internally or with less drastic behavioural symptoms. So how can a counsellor help your child, and in doing so, help your family?

Set Good Patterns
015Childhood and adolescence are a time of setting patterns that can stay with someone for life. Healthy eating, good family relationships, taking care of oneself and positive self image are all affected by the period of childhood and adolescence. If a child or teenager sets good patterns when they are young, they will have far greater success in maintaining them. Melbourne teenage counselling can help to rectify any bad patterns, before they become more difficult to resolve.

Resolve Problems Early On
Resolving problems that your child or teenager faces before they reach adulthood is far better than waiting and hoping something may resolve itself, or that the child may ‘grow out of it’. Child counselling in Melbourne focuses on addressing kids at their cognitive level and helping them understand and work through any problems they might be facing.

Enjoy Better Relationships
A positive relationship with your child is one of the most rewarding things in the world. Your Melbourne counsellor can work with you and your teen or child to improve your relationship. Individual counselling can help relationships by addressing each individuals needs and desires whilst group counselling can work on dynamics.

Feel Supported
In past times a whole village would raise a child, but nowadays parents can feel alone. Being supported by someone who has your child or teens best interests at heart is a fantastic part of counselling. A counsellor provides a person whom your young person can speak to. A child or teenager knows a counsellor will be confidential, whilst you can be secure in the knowledge they will provide positive advice.

Can Counselling Actually Help You?

The reasons people seek out counsellors are many and varied. It makes sense then, that the types of counsellors and counselling available are also varied. Counselling can help anyone facing any issue, but there are general types of counselling that are sought regularly. Going to a counsellor with experience and training in the area you need help with is a good idea, because it means they are best prepared to work with you. So what are some of the main types of counselling and who can they help?

Drug And Alcohol Counselling
Drug and alcohol counselling can help you work through substance abuse problems. Whether you feel you have an addiction or you are worried about your use of drugs and alcohol, counselling can help. Working through a substance abuse problem involves finding the root cause, as well as dealing with the existing and potential symptoms and related problems. Having a support person to help you work through these issues will make your rehabilitation far more successful. Drug and alcohol counselling in Melbourne can also involve cooperation between your doctor and counsellor, to ensure the best results for you.

Group Or Couple Counselling
012Counselling can be hugely beneficial in helping make relationships work. Counselling between family members or couples can work through issues and provide positive steps for the future. A counsellor can act as an arbitrator, taking no ones side, but facilitating discussion. This can allow for a continuing and happy relationship, or provide a cleaner, more positive break. Melbourne couples counselling is a great idea for any couple, whether they are facing difficult times, about to make a big decision, or simply want to strengthen their bond.

Anger Management Counselling
Managing emotions is an essential life skill. Anger is a particularly potent emotion, that if unchecked, can cause huge problems. Anger management involves finding strategies to deal with anger and resolve problems effectively. Melbourne anger management sessions allow clients to move forward and avoid all the disastrous consequences anger can have.

Counselling is simply a place to be heard and to find ways to deal with problems or situations. Millions of Australians suffer with mental health issues every year. Seeking help means ending the suffering more quickly.

All Your Counselling Questions Answered

Counselling isn’t something everyone talks about, but it is something a lot of Australians seek. Counselling can help anyone, at any point in their life. If you are struggling with a certain problem, relationship or situation, a counsellor may be particularly helpful to you. Counselling is confidential and so allows you to fully open up and gain greater insight into your own life. This confidentiality is only limited if a counsellor considers there may be an immediate risk of harm to a specific person.

It’s also important to know that your counsellor can work in conjunction with, or separately, to other medical professionals. In some cases it may be appropriate for your counsellor and doctor to work together to help you.

011There are qualified and professional counsellors throughout Australia who can help you work through anything you are struggling with. Different counsellors have different areas of expertise, and as with any area, different people will respond better with some counsellors than others. You should always feel safe with your counsellor. Perth counselling services can be obtained as one off or ongoing sessions. The amount of sessions you want is entirely up to you, but your counsellor can help you consider time frames and the number of sessions that will be best for you.

A common concern for Australians can be a misperception that counselling is very expensive. Thankfully, under the Better Access initiative from Medicare, 10 counselling sessions can be covered per calendar year. These are only covered if you seek a Mental Health Care Plan from your GP before your counselling session. Sydney counselling services are priced differently, depending on each counsellor’s location and level of expertise, however affordable counsellors are available.

Seeking counselling is something that can help anyone. Millions of Australians suffer from temporary mental health problems each year, problems that can be resolved through counselling. Seeking a counsellor should be as simple as seeking medical help for a physical illness or injury.

Dealing With Family And Relationship Problems

008For most people their family is a core part of their life, a constant despite changing jobs, homes and other life events. However, families can change too and experience problems that are far reaching for each family member’s life. If your family or relationship is going through a difficult time then it is a good idea to seek help, because problems at home often affect all areas of our lives. Working through problems can help your family become closer and ensure the continuity of your precious relationships. Family counselling is a safe way for your family to talk through issues.

Talking Things Through
Talking things through with your loved ones, with a trained mediator, is a great way to resolve issues before they escalate. Family counselling focuses on both the individuals within the family and their relationships, seeking to help relationships improve and continue. Whether you choose to attend with the whole family or particular members, this joint counselling can be fantastic for improving home relations.

Relationships Can Be Tricky
Your family may only consist of you and your partner, or you as a couple may be the ones facing issues. Most people go through difficult times within their relationships, whether due to external issues or internal struggles. Relationship counselling can help you sort through issues, that otherwise may continue to cause suffering and pain throughout the partnership. Whether you are married, partnered or dating, you may want to seek relationship counselling to resolve any issues. Some also choose to receive counselling before marriage, to start working through any problems before the big day.

Your family and relationships are precious to you, so make sure you work on them. Bonds with other people are an essential part of our lives, but relationships can be difficult to maintain. Through counselling you can resolve any issues and keep your important relationships strong and healthy.

Dealing With Grief And Depression

Grief is an emotion that most of us have to face at some time in our lives. Whether a particular event has caused you grief, or you are experiencing ongoing depression, its important to seek help. Grief is different from clinical depression in that it is an emotion specifically linked to an event or series of events, whilst clinical depression may seem to ‘come from nowhere’ or not be related to anything specifically. Counsellors can help you with this difficult time by helping you to work through the issues you are facing. Grief counselling in Melbourne will provide you with a compassionate support person, who is trained in providing strategies to those grieving or struggling with depression.

Understanding And Support
007Your grief counsellor will help you understand the myriad of emotions that you are feeling. Numbness, shock, anger and sadness are all normal reactions to some events, but each person may experience them differently. Acknowledging and understanding how you feel will help you to go through this process with less complications and hopefully greater closure.

If you are seeking depression counselling then you may be struggling with a longer term issue. Depression may be a reaction to a traumatic event, or it may due to another cause. Your counsellor can work with your doctor (where appropriate) to help you face and conquer your depression. A counsellor is there to listen to you and help you work out how you feel and why. Unlike others in your life they aren’t involved in some way, so you can feel comfortable in sharing any emotion or feelings you might have.

Life supports counselling is a network of professional, compassionate counsellors who can help you through this difficult time. No matter the reason for your grief or struggles with depression, a counsellor can assist you in working through your emotions.

Living Life to the Fullest and Managing Your Anger

004Anger is a normal emotion, but it is one that can have devastating consequences if not controlled. Life can throw up events and situations that make you angry, but if you find yourself unable to control that anger it is a good idea to seek anger management counselling.

How do you know when anger is a problem?
Anger management counselling may be necessary if you find your anger is becoming a problem for your, or others. This can vary from causing problems in relationships to resulting in lawsuits or criminal charges. It’s best to seek counselling before these problems escalate, so what are some signs that anger is becoming a problem for you? A key indicator is when you feel angry a lot of the time or your anger is greater than the trigger- for example a small annoyance becomes a huge issue. These are internal indicators, but you also may notice your levels of anger reflected externally. This may be when you find yourself using alcohol and drugs to manage your moods, engaging in physical or verbal abuse of others or having troubles in personal relationships and work.

Why is anger a problem?
Other than causing problems for you with relationships, work and the law- anger is a problem because it rarely solves issues. Unmanaged anger doesn’t tend to create solutions, because it is often directed at those who have no control over the issue. It also tends to escalate situations and cause greater problems.

What are some anger management strategies?
Anger management is always about promoting understanding, not suppressing emotions. Learning to express the way you feel, without hurting yourself or others, is an important life skill. Though ‘venting’ or ignoring anger may seem like solutions, both are unhelpful in the long term because they don’t address the real issues. Anger management strategies generally involve understanding your triggers and being aware of your body, and then acting to prevent and control these situations. Different strategies work for different people, and an anger management counsellor can help you discover what works for you. Some strategies include taking time out, relaxation methods and being more assertive in situations, rather than just becoming frustrated.

Anger shouldn’t control you, you should control it. With anger management counselling and strategies you will experience more positive relationships, work life and more. If you feel you need help with controlling your anger or you would like to inquire for a friend or family member, please seek professional advice. It is always best to treat a problem before it escalates and causes bigger issues.

Why Do We Have to Seek for Professional Counselling?

003You get professional help when your body isn’t working as it should, so why not for your mind? There are often times in our lives when we need help working through an event or situation. Counselling can be for individuals, partners or families who are facing a trying time or want to address certain issues. These days it is easy to find counselling services in Melbourne and most towns and cities in Australia .There are many reasons you might seek counselling, but what are the potential benefits?

Be Heard
Sometimes even if we have support people in our lives, like friends and family, we need someone to listen to us. Counsellors will listen without judgement, and without the close involvement in your life that family or friends may have. This means that you can say whatever you want, and talk through whatever might be bothering you. Whether you are struggling with an ongoing issue, or facing a crisis, counselling can help you. Seeking counselling services will mean you get heard, without any one in your life having to hear about it. That’s because counsellors always uphold a code of complete confidentiality.

Gain Direction
Often it is difficult to see a way out of a troubling situation. Counsellors don’t claim they have all the answers, but they can help you to reassess situations and find direction that is positive and healthy for you. This can propel you on to a happier and healthier life. It can also bring great relief and alleviate tension in other areas of your life.

Address Issues
When issues aren’t addressed they tend to escalate. That’s why it’s important to address them as soon as possible. Whether you are facing problems as an individual or a couple, counselling can help you tackle issues head on, and move past them. Different counsellors have different areas of expertise and can help you create strategies to address, control or even eradicate issues. Counselling services in Sydney and other Australian cities and towns have a vast range of experts and types of counselling, so you can find the right fit for you.

Experience Positive Change
No one goes through life without ups and downs. Often issues are out of our control, but we can control our own attitudes towards the events in our life. Counselling helps you experience positive change and gives you strategies for dealing with not only the events you are facing now, but the events you are facing in the future.

Life Supports Counselling is a professional network that allows you to find trustworthy and qualified counsellors close to home or work. We want you to have a happy and healthy life, which is why we’ll help you get in touch with an advocate for positive change in your life.